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SAE J1113认证

2012-11-03 11:118080询价
价格 面议
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品牌 SAE认证
型号 J113EMC
规格 J1113
美国汽车工程师学会EMC测试SAE J1113标准
Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE认证测试)
SAE 1113-4辐射电磁场抗扰度测量——BCI法
SAE J1113-4 version 1998Bulk Current test Immunity-Substitution Method-
SAE J1113-4 version 1998Bulk Current test Immunity-Closed-Loop Method-

SAE 1113-11针对电源线的瞬态传导抗扰度
SAE J1113-11 version 2000Immunity to ConductedTransients on Power Lead-

SAE 1113-12通过传导和耦合产生的电气干扰~耦合钳法
SAE 1113-12 version 2000Electrical Interference byConduction and Coupling -Coupling Clap and ChatteringRelay-

SAE 1113-13静电放电认证热线电话400-0001015  网址www.nps.org.cn
SAE J1113-13 version 2011Electrostatic Discharge-

SAE 1113-21用于电磁抗扰度测量的暗室(10kHz~18GHz)
-SAE J1113-21 version 2005Radiated Immunity- With Ground Plan-
-SAE J1113-21 version 2005Radiated Immunity- Without Ground Plan-

SAE 1113-22由电源线产生辐射磁场的抗扰度测量(60Hz~30kHz)
SAE J1113-22 version 1996AC Power Line - Maganetic Field-

SAE 1113-41用于保护车载接受机的车内零部件与组件的无线电干扰特性测量方法及限值
SAE J1113-41 version 2000Radio DisturbanceCharacteristics of Componentsand modules - ConductedEmissions - Voltage-
-SAE J1113-41 version 2000Radio DisturbanceCharacteristics of Componentsand modules - ConductedEmissions - Current-
-SAE J1113-41 version 2000Radio DisturbanceCharacteristics of Componentsand modules - RadiatedEmissions Emissions - ALSE-
认证热线电话400-0001015  网址www.nps.org.cn
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