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FCC Part 15 A、B、C的区分

楼主 admin17707

Subpart A - General (通常适用于工业设备)

Section 15.1 Scope of this Part

Section 15.3 Definitions

Section 15.5 General conditions of operation

Section 15.9 Prohibition against eavesdropping

Section 15.11 Cross reference

Section 15.13 Incidental radiators

Section 15.15 General technical requirements

Section 15.17 Susceptibility to interference

Section 15.19 Labelling requirements

Section 15.21 Information to user

Section 15.23 Home-built devices

Section 15.25 Kits

Section 15.27 Special accessories

Section 15.29 Inspection by the Commission

Section 15.31 Measurement standards

Section 15.32 Test procedures for CPU boards and computer power supplies

Section 15.33 Frequency range of radiated measurements

Section 15.35 Measurement detector functions and bandwidths

Section 15.37 Transition provisions for compliance with the rules

Section 15.38 Incorporations by reference

Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators(适用于家用及办公用设通常是RE & CE测试) RF部分的RE测试

Section 15.101 Equipment authorization of unintentional radiators

Section 15.102 CPU boards and power supplies used in personal computers

Section 15.103 Exempted devices

Section 15.105 Information to the user

Section 15.107 Conducted limits

Section 15.109 Radiated emission limits

Section 15.111 Antenna power conducted limits for receivers

Section 15.113 Power line carrier systems

Section 15.115 TV interface devices, including cable system terminal devices

Section 15.117 TV broadcast receivers

Section 15.118 Cable ready consumer electronics equipment

Section 15.119 Closed caption decoder requirements for analog television receivers

Section 15.120 Program blocking technology requirements for television receivers

Section 15.121 Scanning receivers and frequency converters used with scanning receivers

Section 15.122 Closed caption decoder requirements for digital television receivers and converter boxes

Section 15.123 Labeling of digital cable ready products

Subpart C - Intentional Radiators (适用于家用及办公用设通常是RF部分的RE测试)

Subpart C - Intentional Radiators

Section 15.201 Equipment authorization requirement

Section 15.202 Certified operating frequency range

Section 15.203 Antenna requirement

Section 15.204 External radio frequency power amplifiers and antenna modifications

Section 15.205 Restricted bands of operation

Section 15.207 Conducted limits

Section 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements

Section 15.211 Tunnel radio systems

Section 15.213 Cable locating equipment

Section 15.214 Cordless telephones

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