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OET 65 Supplement C EAB Part 22/24 SAR Review Item

楼主 admin11757

OET 65 Supplement C EAB Part 22/24 SAR Review Item

1) Output power

a) Powers in SAR report must agree with EMC report and tune-up procedure

b) Conducted power in SAR report should be greater than or equal to what’s in EMC report, but not exceeding tune-up/tolerance

c) Scaling up or down 5% is allowed

d) Maximum output power (conducted) or SAR drift measured at same position in liquid before and after each SAR test?

2) Users Manual

a) Check for accessories and battery options – should test any accessories containing metal, and with all possible combinations; need justification if limited or “worst-case” combinations only tested

b) To comply with RF safety requirements use the specific belt clip. Other clips should be avoided and may not comply with RF safety requirements (for fair-trade do not exclude 3rd party acces.)

c) Check for RF Safety statements.  Users must be clearly informed of the compliance requirements for device use, especially regarding body-worn configurations.

d) Check that FCC ID and SAR numbers in manual are correct

e) Do not allow any unsupported compliance claims


a)FCC ID listed (see 47 CFR §2.909)?

b)Statement of compliance with FCC RF exposure included (§2.1093)?

c)Mobile or portable transmitter device category identified?

d)Testing for Occupational/Controlled  OR  General Population/Uncontrolled limits?

e)Test device is production unit or identical prototype (47 CFR §2.908)?

4) Device operating configurations and test conditions

a)Brief description of the test device operating configurations included?  For example:

i) Operating modes and operating frequency range(s)

ii) Maximum device rating for each operating mode and frequency range, both test sample and production units

iii) Antenna type and operating positions

iv) Applicable body-worn configurations

v) Battery options that could affect the SAR results

vi) Test positions for other accessories, e.g., earphones

b)Procedures to establish the test signals described (put phone on a call, e.g., base-station simulator vs internal test codes)?   This may include a test equipment list or test codes

c)Multiple modes – CDMA, TDMA, GPRS, GSM, Bluetooth, etc?

d)Applicable source-based time-averaging duty factor and tested duty factor listed?

5) SAR Measurement system and site description

a)Brief description of the SAR scanning measurement system included?

b)Brief description of the test setup included: handset holders, phantom orientation, surroundings, absorber, noise floor, etc.

6)Electric field probe calibration

a)Description of the probe – including tip diameter, internal sensor offset from tip, etc

b)Description of the probe measurement errors included?

c)Description of probe calibration errors/uncertainties?

d)most recent calibration date and calibration certificate showing all factors used in report?

e)Check for consistency of probe factor and correspondent tissue parameters thru report

f)crest factor (peak-to-average voltage) parameters shown or needed, and/or addressed in calib.?

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7) SAR system verification with flat phantom and reference source

a)Brief description of the reference source (e.g., 900, 1800 MHz dipoles) used to verify the SAR system performance – prefer center frequency within the operating frequency range of the handset, dipole/source return loss, etc.

b)Verification frequency(s) must be within  100 MHz of device center frequency(s)

c)Manufacturer/calibration reference dipole data

d)List of measured tissue dielectric parameters, ambient and tissue temperatures – check for consistency with values used in system manufacturer’s reference test ( ,  within 5% of those used in reference data)

e)Forward power input to the reference source/dipole

f)Target and measured peak and 1-g SAR (target usually given by SAR system supplier, or IEEE Std 1528) – agree within 10%

g)at least one dipole test for each device frequency band

h)Dipole test results for each date of device testing

i)Dipole SAR plots included – check for reasonable symmetry

j)System validation with head liquid OK for device testing in muscle

8) Phantom description

a)Include description of head (SAM) and body phantoms used in the tests, including shell thickness and other tolerances

b)Thickness 2  0.2 mm for head and body phantoms

c)Photos or z-axis scans to show 15 cm LIQUID DEPTH included?

d)Phantom supporting structures and stands – phantom support structures should be spaced at least one device width away and non-metallic in transverse directions

9) Tissue liquid dielectric properties

a)Composition, ingredients, and amounts for tissue liquid listed

b)Liquid dielectric parameters and temperature measured at  device mid-band frequencies

c)Liquid temperatures during SAR testing stay within  2 C

d)Check for consistency in liquid parameters in calibration, system verification, and device testing

10) Device positioning

a)Includes description of the handset holder or similar fixtures used to position the test device in the specified test configurations
b)Holder must not surround, enclose, cover, or obstruct antenna
c)Describes the positioning procedures used to evaluate the highest exposure expected under normal operating configurations
e)Diagrams or photos showing device positions with respect to the phantom; including separation distances and angles as needed, if regular touch and tilt positions not achievable; diagrams should clearly show reference points/lines/planes on EUT and phantom
f)Description of the antenna operating positions, extended, retracted or stowed etc. and the configurations tested in the SAR evaluation
g)Body – prefer 1.5 cm, may allow 2.5 cm (Suppl C) spacing from flat phantom

11) Coarse-scan to find SAR peaks

a)Descriptions of coarse area scan procedures, including grid size, area shape and size

b)Descriptions of interpolation procedures used to locate peak SARs at a finer spatial resolution

c)Specify which peak SAR location(s) were used to evaluate max 1-g SAR(s)

d)Report probe tip distance to phantom inner surface

12) One-gram averaged SAR

a)Descriptions of high-resolution cube volume or “zoom” scan procedures used for local scan; list measurement  and interpolation resolutions
b)Descriptions of extrapolation procedures used to estimate SAR values adjacent to phantom surface (unreachable due to probe case and boundary effects)

e)Descriptions of within-cube interpolation procedures to get 1 mm or 2 mm SAR grid

f)Description of averaging (integration) procedures to get 1-g SAR from final interpolated grid

g)Entire “hot spot” captured?

h)Check for “peak outside scan area” conditions – no clipped peaks

13) Total measurement uncertainty (MUST BE REPORTED – BUT “NOMINAL” REVIEW onLY UNTIL IEEE Std 1528 IS COMPLETED)

a)A tabulated list of the error components and uncertainty values contributing to the total measurement uncertainty (Suppl C App. D)

b)Reporting the combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty (for k=2) of each test – 30% or less expected

14) Test results required for determining SAR compliance

a)Prefer that all SAR plots are included

b)if the channels tested for each configuration (left, right, cheek, tilt/ear, extended, retracted etc.) have similar SAR distributions, a plot of the highest SAR for each test configuration should be sufficient; otherwise additional plots should be included to document the different SAR distributions – purpose is to identify peak locations relative to device and phantom

c)All measured SAR values should be reported in a tabular format for all test configurations, i.e., low/mid/high frequencies, antenna in/out, flip cover open/closed; repeat of these for all battery and belt-clip/holster types; repeat of these for all modes (AMPS, CDMA-800, PCS)

d)Hand SAR typically not needed

e)Check crest factor (examples TDMA=3, GSM=8, CDMA=1, iDEN/data=1.44, iDEN/2way=6, iDEN/TDMA=3, AMPS=1, GPRS=4, etc.); use whatever inverse-duty-factor ratio is appropriate for EUT maximum “on-time”

f)Repeat for all batteries, belt-clips, other metallic accessories etc

g)Accessories with metal must be tested; test not required for accessories that have no metal and provide larger spacing to body

15) Plots – quantity and content

a)Crest factor correct?

b)date of test on all plots

c)Liquid parameters listed (typically  =1)

d)Device description and position (touch/tilt, body)

e)Ambient and liquid temperatures

f)Antenna position

g)Frequency channel

h)Numeric values used to get avg SAR (optional)

i)Peak and average SAR values and locations indicated

j)Phantom used (optional)

k)z-axis scan at max SAR location

l)Show relative location of hot spot on device, or outline of device on plot


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